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Enhancing Customer Success Through Data eGuide

Updated on October 15, 2024
Enhancing CS Through Data eGuide

Enhancing CS Through Data eGuide

Drive Success with Data-Driven Decisions. Explore strategies to maximize customer relationships using data.

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Summary points:

We all know how valuable data is.

There are laws protecting it – and teams dedicated to managing it.

Data has become so valuable because it can be used to shape strategy and inform decision-making in business.

Put simply, using data effectively directly contributes to the profitability of a company.

Whilst data can be leveraged across all departments in your organization, one of the areas of the business where it’s most critical to leverage data properly is customer success – but why?

What is customer success data anyway?

This is because, in CS, data can provide incredible insights into customer behavior that can help you predict churn and identify expansion opportunities.

However, having data is one thing; knowing how to use it properly is another.

Get it right, and you’ll have tapped into an endless source of information that helps you to scale and deliver ‘best in class’ experiences for your customers and sustainably boost your company’s bottom line.

On the other hand, if you get it wrong, you and your CSMs could be spending too much time buried in spreadsheets and delivering data your customers don’t really care about anyway.

Getting your data-driven approach to customer success right doesn’t have to be complicated, though.

With the right tools in place (such as CSP technology) to support you with your data-driven customer success initiatives, you can expect to see a whole host of benefits, such as;

✅ Easy data aggregation
✅ Real-time analytics for instant insights
Predictive analytics to help guide goal setting’ conversations
✅ Automated reporting to save CSMs significant time
✅ Actionable insights to inform CSM next steps

Without it, though, not only will you miss out on opportunities to better serve your customers, but you and your CSMs facing an avalanche of time-sapping, morale-draining issues, like;

❌ Wasting time gathering data from multiple sources
❌ Only being able to analyze data retroactively
❌ Limiting your view to current customer behavior
❌ Sinking hours into writing and distributing reports
❌ Only being able to guess the next steps with customers

To avoid being trapped by these issues and instead enjoy the benefits that come from a data-driven approach to customer success, you should take the time to consider how a customer success platform (CSP) – such as Custify – can help transform both your workflows and your entire customer journey.

Introducing our latest eBook

Navigating and then improving your entire customer journey is a big topic. So to help you, we’ve prepared a series of mini eguides that break down some of the individual challenges you’ll face along the way and go on to detail how CSP technology can help you overcome them.

Our guide to data-driven customer journeys is the latest eBook in a series that also includes:

  1. Transforming internal handoffs to make them smooth every time
  2. Streamlining QBRs and creating reviews that add value to your customers
  3. Improving customer communications to boost satisfaction and retention
  4. Creating high-quality personalized experiences your customers will love
  5. Leveraging data to take your customer journey to the next level
  6. Using smart automation to make your CSMs more efficient

As well as this, we’ve written a full-length eBook that goes into more detail on all 6 topics to give a total view of all the issues and solutions across your customer journey.

Regardless of whether you choose either our full-length eBook or download some of our in mini-guides, they’re all 100% free and written specifically to give you key insights and strategies to improve CX across your customer journey and make your team more efficient by using CSP technology.

Who is this eBook for?

  • If you’re a CS leader who wants to use data to overhaul their customer journey to improve results across the board, this book is definitely for you.
  • If you’re a CSM who wants to start thinking more strategically about how data impacts your customer relationships, this book is absolutely for you.
  • If you’re a C-suite executive or business leader looking to better use data to protect and grow your organization, this book is 100% for you.

But don’t be put off if you don’t fall neatly into one of those categories. We’ve written our eBooks to be accessible to everyone, even if you’re still ‘learning the ropes’ of customer success.
So, regardless of what stage you’re at, you’ll get a lot out of our eGuide to data-driven customer journeys.

What can you expect from our eGuide to data-driven CS?

Here at Custify, we’ve devised this mini-guide to ensure that by the time you’ve finished reading it, you’ll be clear on exactly how to take a data-driven approach to improving your customer journey with CSP technology.

Once you start reading, you’ll immediately get brought up to speed on 4 key outcomes that you can expect from taking a data-driven approach to customer success using a CSP.

These include:

  • Identifying trends and patterns – don’t let history repeat itself, spot patterns and adjust what you’re doing
  • Measuring customer health – whether it’s CSAT, NPS, or something else, you need to measure it regularly
  • Personalization – use the data to inform segmentation, workflow automation, & custom user journeys
  • Proactive decision-making – use the data in close to real time to inform decisions and next steps

Our data-driven CS eGuide will help you benefit from these outcomes by unlocking solutions that you can implement by using a customer success platform to do the ‘heavy lifting’ for you.

As if that wasn’t enough, once you roll out some of the strategies we suggest in the book, your CSMs will be able to avoid hours of ‘busy work’ each week – freeing up their time to ‘move the needle’ for their customers instead.

Get Expert Perspectives

Our eGuide on data-driven customer journeys has been written as one part of a series specifically designed for Customer Success professionals. But don’t just take our word for it, we’ve also included expert insights from fellow CS pros and influencers, including:

We’ve done this so that between the expert insights we’ve uncovered – and the in-depth information we’ve added to this mini-guide – you and your team will be armed with everything you need to take a data-driven approach to improving your customer journey.

Why you should download our eBook

These days, CSMs aren’t just ‘churn busters’ – they’re responsible for everything from product adoption to customer retention and even revenue expansion.

However, there are only so many hours in a day, and the risk is that without proper systems and processes in place, CSMs won’t be able to meet all their objectives.

This will result in burned-out and underperforming CSMs, higher than-forecast levels of churn, and significant reductions in growth through expansion revenue.
It doesn’t have to be this way, though.

Our mini eGuide to taking a data-driven approach to customer journey improvement – the latest in a 6-part series that covers the entire customer journey – gives you everything you need to radically improve the situation both for your CSMs and your customers.

The eGuide walks you through exactly how you can use a CSP like Custify – one of Europe’s leading customer success platforms – to overhaul your customer journey, resulting in improved customer satisfaction, increased expansion revenue, and reduced customer churn.

So, what are you waiting for? Download your copy of “Enhancing Customer Success with Data” now.

Philipp Wolf

Written by Philipp Wolf

As the CEO of Custify, Philipp Wolf helps SaaS businesses deliver great results for customers. After seeing companies spend big money with no systematic approach to customer success, Philipp knew something had to change. He founded Custify to provide a tool that lets agents spend time with clients—instead of organizing CRM data.

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